{ "Version":"1.45", "UpdateContent": "Upgrade method: Press and hold the RD6006P Enter button without powering on, connect the MicroUSB cable to the computer and the RD6006P, select the corresponding serial port, select the baud rate 115200, and click the [Firmware Upgrade] option on the host computer to upgrade. 2024.01.30 V1.45 1. Add a new WIFI communication module W02. 2. Optimize product stability. 3. Optimize USB communication. 升级方法:按住RD6006P Enter按键不放上电,MicroUSB线连接电脑和RD6006P 选择对应串口,波特率选择115200,点击上位机[固件升级]选项进行升级。 2024.01.30 V1.45 1.添加新的WIFI通信模块W02。 2.优化产品稳定度。 3.优化USB通信。 ", "DownloadUri":"http://www.ruidengkeji.com/rdupdate/firmware/RD60065/RD60065_V1.45.bin", "Time":"2024.01.30", "Size":"148288", "History": "2021.07.12 V1.40 1.修复曲线界面显示异常bug。 2021.01.18 V1.37 1.修复全功能显示界面电池关断温度显示异常bug。 " }